Finally! Exam is over(for now)!!! Therefore, more free time, which equals to more craft and hobbies time!!!!! Excited!~~~ Should be moving all my kept clay and crafting stuffs out anytime soon this week or so. Till then, I'll keep you guys posted~! :D
These are all my trials.. Only until I find it satisfactory I'll not mass produce :)
Slice Strawberries!
Have been trying to master them for a long long time and almost there!
FILOFAXXXX!! Created new tabs for Maldenee(name of my filofax)!!!
Still not very satisfied tho.. Hmmm... In the process of finding suitable designed craft papers for it.
No idea whats the name for it but it's those that you use for scrap booking, square papers with designs on it, sold individually.
You know?
You know?
Keychain for Maldenee too!!!!
Still in the process... Cause I'm not quite happy with the existing one I made, therefore I disassembled it.. :( It's so hard to get that right 'feel'..
Thanks for reading!!!